Educational Websites and Calculators
Online Calculators
Kidney Failure Risk Equation. A validated calculator to estimate 2 and 5 year risk of ESRD and potential benefits of ACEi/ARB or SLGT2i treatment.
Nephrology Competitions
Nephmadness. A yearly March Madness themed competition where contestants (individuals or groups) decide which novel and/or critical nephrology concepts move on in the bracket.
Nephro World Cup. A q4 year competition where contestants decide which paper (1st author from each individual World Cup country) deserves to move on.
Online/Interactive Resources (Cases, simulators, websites, videos, etc.)
NephSIM. An excellent set of cases that walks you through the physiology, diagnosis, and management of various nephrology topics. Asterisks indicate level of difficulty and you can review by general topic (AKI, elec, ESRD, etc.).
GlomCon. Glomerular disease journal clubs, online meetings, and educational resources.
Nephropocus. A resource on use of POCUS in nephrology.
Nephrology PenCast Videos. A review of various renal physiology from Duke.
UTAH UA Review. Quick review of basic urinalysis procedure/findings.
AJKD Core Curriculum. Good basic reviews of core topics. A good place to start when inquiring about a new topic or reviewing an old one.
AJKD Renal Pathology Atlas. Excellent review of classic pathology associated with common, and uncommon, renal diseases. A great resource.
Hemodialysis resources. Aimed at fellows but interesting resources focusing on how dialysis works.
Hemodialysis Kinetics 101. A question/case based review from Yale nephrology.
Hemodialysis Access 101. A question/case based review from Yale nephrology.
Home Hemodialysis Simulator. Interactive review of how HHD works.
Nephrology Blogs
Renal Fellow Network blog. An interesting searchable educational reference. Blogs written by fellows! Subscribe to it via email and you’ll get notified.
History of Nephrology Blog. An interesting blog to peruse to get some historical perspective.
Precious Bodily Fluids Blog. An interesting blog about random neph topics. Often has interesting ways of explaining core topics.
Patient education websites to explore and consider for your patients