Evidence Based Medicine Resources
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Made & maintained by Jia Luo on behalf of the OHSU EBM curriculum committee. Last update 09.2017.
EPP/ PICO/ Appraisal Worksheets and users' guides
- Screening
User's guide to screening checklist (JAMA)
JAMA: Users' guide to medical literature: chapter on screening - Download PDF
- Systematic reviews
Appraising systematic reviews worksheet (JAMA)
JAMA: Users' guide to systematic reviews - Download PDF
- Guidelines
Assessing methodology in guideline recommendation (eg USPSTF)
BMJ : GRADE going from evidence to recommendations on evaluating guidelines - Link to download paper
- Therapy/ Randomized controlled trials (RCT)
Appraising therapy worksheet (JAMA)
JAMA: Users' guide to medical literature: chapter on therapy - Download PDF
- Diagnostic tests
Appraising a diagnostic test worksheet (JAMA)
JAMA: Users' guide to medical literature: chapter on diagnostic tests - Download PDF
- Harms/ observational studies
Appraising a harm (observational) worksheet (JAMA)
Websites and Apps
- Article Synopses
ACP Journal Club - link
McMaster EvidenceAlerts - link
WikiJournalClub - link
2mm: 2 minute medicine, including their classics series - link
the NNT - link
Health News Watchdog - link (article synopses for health news articles)
- Diagnostic tests
JAMA Evidence Based Rational Physical Exam - link
DxLogic - likelihood ratio [smartphone app]
GetTheDiagnosis.org - link
Choosing Wisely - link
- Evidence guidelines
ACP Clinical Guidelines - clinical practice guidelines from ACP [smartphone app]
ARHQ effective healthcare reviews - link
ARHQ ePSS - USPSTF guidelines [smartphone app]
BMJ clinical evidence - link
Cochrane library - link
GeneReviews - link
AboutHerbs - complementary/ alternative therapies [smartphone app]
- Other
BMJ EBM Journal - link
Boston University MPH Online Learning Modules - link
Articles, Books, and multimedia
- Appraisal and biostatistics concepts
[book] Users' guide to the medical literature 3rd ed (2015) - link & OHSU login - link
[article] Why most published research findings are false (John PA Ioannidis, 2005) - link
[online course] Stanford's Statistics in Medicine - link
[blog post] Propensity Scores: Observational Data and Wishful Thinking (F. Perry Wilson, 2017) - link
[blog post] Mythbusting sensitivity and specificity (Josh Farkas, 2017) - link
[article] The problem with p-values (David Colquhoun, 2016) - link
[article] American Statistical Association consensus statement on p-values (2016) - link
[article] Recommendations for examining and interpreting funnel plot asymmetry in meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials - link
[article] Evaluation of evidence of statistical support and corroboration of subgroup claims in randomized clinical trials (Joshua D Wallach et al) - link
[article] Nature: Crowdsourced research (Raphael Silberzahn et al, 2015) - link
[article] Why our brains do not intuitively grasp probabilities (Michael Shermer, 2008) - link
[comic] XKCD: Significant (Randall Munroe) - link
[video] Evidence Based Medicine Videos (Eric Strong, 2017) - link
[video] Evidence Based Medicine Concepts (Gilbert Welch, 2012) - link
[video] Evidence Based Medicine Music Videos (James McCormack, 2012) - link
[video] Evidence based medicine has been hijacked (John Ioannidis, 2016) - link
- Screening
[article] Cancer Screening, Overdiagnosis and Regulatory Capture (Gilbert Welch, 2017) - link
[article] Winners and Losers (Daniel Merenstein, 2004) - link follow up article: PSA Screening - I finally won! - link
- Diagnostic tests
[book] Evidence based physical diagnosis (Steven McGee, 2018) - Amazon & OHSU login - link
[article] Simplifying Likelihood ratios (Steve McGee, 2002) - link
[article] On some clinically useful measures of the accuracy of diagnostic tests (David L Sackett et al, 1998) - link
[book] Thinking, fast and slow (Daniel Kahneman, 2011) - Amazon
[article] JAMA Viewpoint/ Perspective/ Opinion: Less is More series - link
- Therapy
[blog post] BMJ: On Prescribing Spironolactone (Richard Lehman, 2015) - link
[article] NEJM: Placebo effects in medicine (Ted J. Kaptchuk et al, 2015) - link
[blog post] What you put in is what you get out: systematic reviews and meta analysis (Yun Mak, 2016) - link
[book] 2 minute medicine classic series - Amazon
[ppt] Surrogate endpoints in oncology noon conference - Vinay Prasad (requires medhub) - link
- Medical reversal and bias
[book] Ending medical reversal (Vinay Prasad & Adam Cifu, 2015) - Amazon
[article] Want More Trust in Medical Science? Embrace Uncertainty and Cut the Hype (John Mandrola, 2017) - link
[article] NEJM: Selective publication of antidepressant trials (Erick H. Turner et al, 2008) - link
[book] Do you believe in magic? - Vitamins, supplements and all things natural (Paul Offit, 2014) - Amazon
[video] What is the probability an approved drug does not work in the real world? (Vinay Prasad, 2017) - link
- Resources/ searching tips
[handout] PubMed for your patients (UCSF Chief Residents, 2003) - link
- EBM education
[book] EBM: How to practice and teach it - Amazon
[article] CMAJ: Series on learning and teaching EBM - link
[article] NEJM: Medical education in the era of alternative facts - link