Fellowship Application

& Interview Guides

 This page serves to be a central location for all things related to the Fellowship Season, including the application process, CV resources, personal statement resources, letter of recommendation guidance, and frequently asked questions about the interview process and interview day.

Please always check the most up-to-date ERAS resources and NRMP Fellowship Match resources anually in case they were updated prior to the below documents.

These will be updated anually, and can also be found on MedHub.

Lastly, it is important to remember that if you are applying to fellowship, you will first need to get your ERAS token in order to have access to the ERAS application. You will subsequently need to register for the NRMP Fellowship Match separate from the ERAS application. Remember to update your ERAS Personal Information section with your NRMP Match Number once you are registered.

**2024 - 2025 Timeline Overview **

June 6: EFDO will release tokens

End of June: ask letter writers to submit letters by end of June

July 3: can begin submitting applications

July 17: programs can start viewing applications

Aug 21: Register for the NRMP Match

Sept 25: NRMP ranking opens

Nov 20: Rank order list cerfication deadline

Dec 4: MATCH DAY!!

/Last updated 06/10/2024/

Fellowship Application Process:

Fellowship Resources