Global Health Scholars Program
Required Reading
The Health Gap - Michael Marmot
Structural Violence and Clinical Medicine - Paul Farmer
Historical Trauma - UNM Videos
Levels of Racism: A Theoretic Framework and a Gardener’s Tale - Camara Jones
Danger of a Single Story: TED talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Opinion: It’s Time to End the Colonial Mindset in Global Health - Abraar Karan
Malawian impressions of expat physicians - Parekh et al.
Rotation Information
HIV-Specific References
UNAIDS 90-90-90: Ambitious Treatment Target to Help End the AIDS Epidemic
Can the UNAIDS 90-90-90 Target Be Achieved? A Systematic Analysis of National HIV Treatment Cascades - Levi et al.
Viewpoint: The Case for an HIV Cure and How to Get There - Dybul et al.
The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program in the Age of Health Care Reform - Cahill et al.
The Global Burden of Cervical Cancer Associated with HIV - Stelzle et al.
Multicenter Registry of Patients with HIV and COVID-19 (Characteristics, Comorbidities, Outcomes) - Dandachi et al.
Outcomes Among HIV-Positive Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 - Karmen-Tuohy et al.
HIV Infection & COVID-19 Death - Bhaskaran et al.
HIV Drug Resistance: An Emerging Threat to Epidemic Control - Beyrer et al.
Immunotherapy for HIV Infection - Weiss
TRAVERSE Trial: Safety & Immunogenicity of HIV Vaccines in HIV-Uninfected Adults - Baden et al.
BOTWSANA: Neural-Tube Defects and Antiretroviral Treatment Regimens in Botswana - Zash et al.
BOTSWANA: Universal Testing, Expanded Treatment, and Incidence of HIV Infection in Botswana - Makhema et al.
Review: Primary HIV-1 Infection in Users of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) - Ambrosioni et al.
HCV Micro-Elimination in Individuals with HIV: Retrospective Cohort Study - Smit et al.
HIV Prevention Efforts and Incidence of HIV in Uganda - Grabowski et al.
Cost-Effectiveness of Dual Maternal HIV & Syphilis Testing Strategies - Rodriguez et al.