Suggested Background Resources

Review chapter 2-6 in Nilam Soni's, Point-of-care Ultrasound.

Soni, Nilam, Robert Arntfield, and Pierre Kory. Point of Care Ultrasound. Elsevier Saunders, 2015.

Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound


Please refer to these websites I have compiled to explore on your own.


Physics Videos

Brief physics primer from Mike Stone, US extraordinaire and current ED physician practicing in the Portland area.

Video, Estimated Time: 18 min.

Mike Stone goes over Doppler if you are interested.

Video, Estimated Time: 23 min.

Dr. Resa Lewiss has a background physics hosted under the "Physics" tab on the EM ultrasound website.

Video, Estimate Time: 18 min

Ultrasound pocket card for reference with the quick and dirty of what you need to know.

US Basics Cheatsheet

Sonosite Edge Operation

Sonosite Edge operational videos, which provide basic instruction on how to adjust image quality and use the different modes.

Video 1, Estimated Time: 7 min.

Video 2, Estimated Time: 9 min.